* 19:00 Meet the Composer: Clara Iannotta, interviewed by Perttu Haapanen
* ca. 20:30 Meet the Composer and Performers: Lauri Supponen & Elias Girod & Uusinta Ensemble
The bar in the Lower Foyer is open during the events before and after the concert.
Uusinta Ensemble will perform an exciting new program, designed by its Artistic Director Perttu Haapanen, presenting a selection of the newest and most engaging international contemporary music. One of the highlights of the concert will be the world premiere of a new composition by Finnish young talent Lauri Supponen, with contemporary dance performed by Elias Girod.
At our pre-concert talk at 7 PM at the Lower Foyer of the Helsinki Music Centre, internationally sought-after young composer Clara Iannotta will be interviewed by Perttu Haapanen. The bar will be open.
Concert at 7.30 p.m.:
Elias Girod, Linda Martikainen & Lauri Supponen: Circulating Mouthpiece (2018) for piccolo, violin, viola, violoncello, double bass and dance (chor. Elias Girod and Linda Martikainen)
World Premiere, Uusinta Ensemble’s commission
Brigitta Muntendorf: Public Privacy #1: Flute Cover (2014) for flute, electronics and video
Clara Iannotta: The people here go mad. They blame the wind. (2013) for clarinet, violoncello, piano and 12 music boxes (Finnish Premiere)
Georg Friedrich Haas: String Quartet No. 6 (2010)
At our post-concert talk at ca 8.30 PM at the Lower Foyer of the Helsinki Music Centre you are welcomed to meet composer Lauri Supponen and dancer Elias Girod as well as members of Uusinta Ensemble. The bar will be open.
The concert is supported by Istituto Italiano di Cultura Helsinki (IIC Helsinki), Finnish Music Foundation (MES) ja The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike).
Tickets 17,5 / 11 / 6 € (including a service charge) from Ticketmaster or 15 / 10 / 5 € from the Helsinki Music Centre Service Desk.